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Why should the Workers’ Compensation Claimants Hire an Attorney?


How A Workers' Comp Lawyer Can Help You

Injured workers may often reflect on whether they should hire an attorney to gain their workers’ compensation benefits if the system itself permits them to collect their lost wages, have their medical expenses paid, as well as allow them access to vocational retraining if it is required.  However, the process involved is not as simple as it seems as the real scene is quite the opposite and complicated as well.  Only the services of an outstanding and proficient workers’ compensation attorney can help you get out of this crucial and tricky situation with the best positive outcome for you.  Such an attorney can help you in various ways which include:

  • An attorney can help you ensure that you inform the court about your medical condition(s), needs, and requirements, in addition to helping you secure the medical benefits and treatment to which you are
  • Workers’ Compensation attorney can help you if your employer denies your claim.
  • A knowledgeable and distinguished attorney can not only inform you of the legal procedures involved but can also guide you through the claim process by helping you with things such as the submission of required documents within the set time limit and providing the judge with adequate evidence and documentation to support your claim.  Remember that if these obligations are not entirely and timely fulfilled your claim(s) can be dismissed.
  • An attorney can help you obtain the services of an alternative health provider (i.e.: a provider other than the one assigned by your employer).
  • An attorney can also help accelerate unduly delayed benefits and help you file a complaint regarding unjustified denials.
  • An attorney can help you file a lawsuit against your employer if they demote or dismiss you for filing a workers’ compensation claim.
  • An attorney can also help you gain additional compensation if you are injured through the use of defective tools or products, or if your injury is the result of a third party (someone outside of your employer).
  • An attorney can help you challenge adverse decisions made either by your employer, the employer’s insurance company, or your state’s Workers’ Compensation Division.
  • An attorney can also help you file a case against the employer if they fail to provide you with the modified work environment that is recommended by your doctor or if they harass you after your return to

Contact the Law Office of Andrew S. Kasmer P.C., to obtain fair and square compensation for the troubles you face due to your work-related injuries.  Our diligent attorneys put all their effort into victoriously getting you out of this difficult situation of your life.
